MALARIA        ×ÜðçÚØæ

Cause:  Transmitted by the female anopheline mosquito when she drinks human blood (males feed on plant juices).  The disease is caused by several species of protists (i.e. protozoans), and there is much geographic variability.


Malaria (parasite)


Red Blood


Symptoms: Fever, shivering, pain in the joints and headache.  It takes 8 to 4 weeks incubation.



300 million affected worldwide;
1 to 1.5 million die per year. 



About 2 million infections/year in India. Malaria is not common in Jammu, but the highest risk is during summer, immediately after the monsoon.


DENGUE        Çð‹»ê ÈèßÚ

Cause: An RNA virus spread by the aegypti mosquitoe (different from anopheline of malaria).  There are fours sub-types of Dengue; DEN-1,2,3,4, and they are do not-cross immunify.


Symptoms:  Hemorraghing, viral illness











Mosquitoes of lay 100 to 400 eggs in “egg rafts” that float in still or stagnant water.  The larvae feed on micro-organisms before maturing.

ANAEMIA        ÚQ ãèÙÌæ

Cause: Anaemia is the general weakening of the blood due to improper diet, esp. a lack of iron.

Symptoms:  Fatigue, weakness


Treatment:  Iron is a critical component of hemoglobin in red blood cells since it binds to oxygen.




You need to eat green vegetables to get your iron intake, as well as Vit’s B1, B6, and B12.


TYPHOID        Å槚 æò§Ç …ßÚ

Cause: Food or drink water that has been infected with Salmonella typhi. (17 million cases, and 600,000 deaths/year.)


Symptoms: The sudden onset of sustained fever, severe headache, nausea and severe loss of appetite. It is sometimes accompanied by hoarse cough and constipation or diarrhoea.

Treatment: Case-fatality rates of 10% can be reduced to less than 1% with appropriate antibiotic therapy.



DYSENTERY        Âðç¿K

Cause: Shigella dysenteriae bacteria or Entamoeba histolytica amoeba

Symptoms:  severe, often bloody diarrhea, vomitting, fever.


Treatment:  Several drugs available... life-threatening if untreated   Approximately 5-15% of Sd1 cases are fatal.


WORMS        ·ê ç×

Cause: Parasites enter either through food or through feet.  Affects around 1 billion people.

Symptoms:  Variety of symptoms


Treatment:  Several drugs like Albendazole can remove worms.

CHOLERA        ãñœæ

Cause: Vibrio cholerae bacteria

Symptoms:  causes diarrhea, dehydration. When illness does occur, more than 90% of episodes are mild. Less than 10% of ill persons develop typical cholera with signs of moderate or severe dehydration


Treatment:  Several drugs available... life-threatening if untreated


HIV/AIDS        °Ç÷#

Cause: Deadly virus transmitted through blood.


Symptoms:  General weakness of body and suspceptibility to illness.


Treatment:  No treatment currently exsists.  Most infected patients die within 5 to 10 years of infection.  There are some “cocktail” drugs that can slow the progression of the disease.


MALARIA        ×ÜðçÚØæ



Malaria (parasite)